
Fallout 4 nuka cola mod
Fallout 4 nuka cola mod

fallout 4 nuka cola mod

The mix would stay in liquid form after trigger, exploding on impact without the need for a fuze.

fallout 4 nuka cola mod

The Q4N7-UM 0.245 isotope, combined with a thermogenetic trigger achieved by manipulation of electron sub-field, could be loaded into prepared mini-nukes, then launched as normal. The same project that created the strontium-90 isotope for use in the Nuka-Cola Quantum could also be used to manufacture high-yield mini-nuke. As part of Project Cobalt, General Braxton of the Army Research Laboratory's Weapon and Material division was promised John-Caleb Bradberton's weapon designs based on quantum mechanics research in exchange Braxton would provide Bradberton the opportunity to take part in an experimental procedure that would extend his life indefinitely.

Fallout 4 nuka cola mod